Contact Us

Please read the below before contacting us.

  1. After sending us a message on the contact form, we send you a confirmation email. If you do not receive one, the email address you have entered was not correct.Please re-send your question on the form.
  2. Also, if you are using a web-based free email, emails from us may end up in the spam folder, or may not reach you at all. Please add our contact information in your addres book so that it does not end up in the spam folder.
  3. We usually respond to questions within one working day. However, if we have too many support questions at one time, it may take longer for us to reply.
  4. We may not be able to reply questions such as below:
    • Questions that are unclear in explanation.
    • Questions about the personal information of other users.
    • Questions about incidents without specifying the hand number.

Contact Form

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